▶️ Watch Online My Husband in Law - Season 1 Episode 14 : Episode 14 on Channel 3's Network (2020) Full Episode FREE Streaming Online HD ◀

Muey is a young girl who lived with her adoptive mother, who was also her mother's friend, since her biological mother passed away. Muey also has a crush on Thian who is the son of her adoptive mother. Although Muey loves him, Thian never seems to love Muey, instead, he always teases her, messes with her, and sometimes bullies her. Muey never got angry or responded to Thian when she got bullied because she loved him too much. .... One day, Thian was forced to marry Muey just to get rid of the wife of a powerful man. As Thian never looked at Muey as his life partner, he was not really okay with the marriage. In addition, Thian wanted a perfect woman as his wife, but Muey was never perfect in his eye. Will Thian fall in love with Muey at the end? Will Muey be the perfect wife for him?

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Title : My Husband in Law
Episode Title : Episode 14
First Air Date : 2020-04-21
Last Air Date : 2020-06-03
Number of Episodes : 14
Number of Seasons : 1
Genres : Comedy, Family
Networks : Channel 3

📺 Episode Info (Episode 14)

Muey is a young girl who lived with her adoptive mother, who was also her mother's friend, since her biological mother passed away. Muey also has a crush on Thian who is the son of her adoptive mother. Although Muey loves him, Thian never seems to love Muey, instead, he always teases her, messes with her, and sometimes bullies her. Muey never got angry or responded to Thian when she got bullied because she loved him too much. .... One day, Thian was forced to marry Muey just to get rid of the wife of a powerful man. As Thian never looked at Muey as his life partner, he was not really okay with the marriage. In addition, Thian wanted a perfect woman as his wife, but Muey was never perfect in his eye. Will Thian fall in love with Muey at the end? Will Muey be the perfect wife for him?

Title : My Husband in Law
Number : Season 1, Episode 14
Airdate : 2020-06-03
Runtime : 01:37:26
Status : Returning Series
Network : Channel 3
Original Language : th
Keywords :

📺 Production Channel 3

Series Cast : Mark Prin Suparat (Thian), , Pear Pitchapa (), , Nittha Jirayungyurn (Mew),

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